Hello Everyone,

While eagerly awaiting for Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord to be released and with having to stop my Mount and Blade Warband Viking Conquest series, I’ve decided to start a Let’s Play Mount and Blade Warband Prophesy of Pendor series, based on everyone’s feedback. Prophesy of Pendor is a Mount and Blades mod that totally changes how you play M&B Warband. This mod is for players experienced with Mount & Blade Warband and who finds the gameplay to easy.

Thanks for watching this let’s play video and I hope that you enjoy the episode! 😀

You guys know what to do if you like the video!


If you enjoyed this Let’ Play Mount and Blade Warband Prophesy of Pendor series, then you might also enjoy some of my other series.

Let’s Play Mount & Blade Warband Viking Conquest – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLPWUzL4YD31nSucQR9TQHNckJir2zeGw

Let’s Play Kingdom Come Deliverance – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLPWUzL4YD32-fap0WQYffcYaKZqZ46F2

Lets Play Blood & Gold: Caribbean! Season 4: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLPWUzL4YD33ZR9jZMVTxo_kByIwxMu2F

Let’s Play Man O’ War: Corsair – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLPWUzL4YD33xo45UDjV8pC5kH63vYj28


Please be aware that I changed the Prophesy of Pendor Soundtrack back to the original Mount & Blades Warband Soundtrack due to copyright concerns. This mod has an excellent soundtrack, so I highly recommend checking it out.


Prophesy of Pendor Feature Overview

-Well thought out cultures, armies, and conflicts
-Unique Backstory and expanded Character Generation System- The World of Pendor
-New battle AI System
-Enhanced Goals
-Enhanced and Detailed Economic and location building system –
-Deep Immersion –
-Knighthood Orders – Dynamic, premade and create your own.
-Minor Factions – some to destroy, some to align, some to fear.
-More Events,
-More quests
-Dynamic rumor system.
-Dozens of unique spawns that bring the lore to life.
-Dynamic Conversation System
-Dynamic Event System
-Expanded amount of Companions
-Voice acting in encounters
-Expanded encounter conversation system
-Heartbeat Quest system for when you own
-Claim your own Kingdom and Kingdom Management system
-Dynamic Event System
-All new and unique items (Hundreds)
-Expanded victory conditions.
-Special Items
-Specialty Enemy Heroes and minor Factions.
-Low Fantasy setting… there are references to the supernatural.
-The most detailed total conversion mod for Warband.
-Designed to be a Challenge to Play – ONLY recommended for experienced players.

Forum Post: https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?topic=126952.0
ModDB: http://www.moddb.com/mods/saxondragon



Created by Rammo YT (https://www.youtube.com/user/RamplifiedUniverse)

Phantom Sage – MIKO [NCS Release]



My Links:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/_MacGhriogair_
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/macghriogair
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/MacGhriogair/1383506375203211
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/101286020787472816739
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/MacGhriogair/

Let’s Play Mount and Blade Warband Prophesy of Pendor Episode 7: A Helping Hand

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